So I was on BlogXilla and came across his light skinned/dark skinned article. This has been and sadly will always be a fight over whos better. A documentary is being made to compare and contrast the opinions among light and dark skinned people, wish it was more open minded not so ignorant people but it still works. In my opinion everyone, no matter the skin tone has something different to bring to the table. That blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice slogan isnt always true. [haha] Here's his article, soak it in...
"There is nothing like the beauty of a dark skinned woman. The sexy dark skinned women w/ a nice even tone of color on her body. Shaped well, and has a solid head on her shoulders. She’s not stuck up, but still craves the finer things in life. You can gaze as her chocolate mountains of boobs and her flat stomach. Personality wise she’s down to Earth, willing to fix a flat, put together a tv stand and redesign your whole apartment. In the bedroom she’s down for whatever, willing to hit it from the back and try new things, and if she’s not down w/ it she will learn and master the topic. On the down side you will have to deal with tracks, naps, and Kool-aid w/ everything. She likes dark liquor and probably likes white guys deep down inside.
Now light skinned girl on the other hand… wow EVERYONE loves light skinned women, they are considered better than the rest. Having a light skinned women on your arm just says something about a guy. It says he truly understands what it is to live the good life. She demands the best cars, best clothes and best everything. She can hold a conversation and when it comes to an after sex drink, she will give you juice. 100% real fruit juice. You can’t beat that. On the down side you’ll have to hear about good hair, manicures and pedicures and her stories about videos she was in. Oh yeah if she doesn’t do it in the bedroom she’s not going to learn, she’s too good for all that freaky stuff.
Now light skinned girl on the other hand… wow EVERYONE loves light skinned women, they are considered better than the rest. Having a light skinned women on your arm just says something about a guy. It says he truly understands what it is to live the good life. She demands the best cars, best clothes and best everything. She can hold a conversation and when it comes to an after sex drink, she will give you juice. 100% real fruit juice. You can’t beat that. On the down side you’ll have to hear about good hair, manicures and pedicures and her stories about videos she was in. Oh yeah if she doesn’t do it in the bedroom she’s not going to learn, she’s too good for all that freaky stuff.
On the real the color of a woman doesn’t matter. I have 2 dark skinned baby mother’s who are the sweetest women in the world. Dinner cooked, clothes washed and each can hold a conversation w/ the best of them. And you want to know something else? Every light skinned woman I’ve ever been with could do the same thing. Sure we all have stereotypes that we can be placed but at the end of the day love is love, color is color and it’s all the same in the long run. Many people have preferences, I know light skinned girls who will only date dark men and dark girls who will only date light men. Doesn’t mean anything other than something in their past has effected them to be as such and who are we to judge anyone for THEIR preference? What you eat don’t make me Sh*t."
p.s. I'm light skinned, these otha brothers pale haha
All Credit to: BlogXilla
I like the article. It makes me happy that someone realizes black women are just black women and no one is better than the rest regardless to sterotypes. I freekin hate all the light-skinned sterotypes that people assume I fall under. Females automatically don't like me. My best friend didn't like me when she first saw me because she thought I was going to be another light-skinned hoe at my school. Of course she sugar-coated that shit when she told me but I knew what she meant. lol. While I do agree everyone has preferences and no one should judge them, I also think the article should've included that no one should automatically sterotype any black woman based of the color of her skin; but then again, we all know that right? How long have we been hearing that same speech? And black people still do that shit smh lol.