So i just got home from watching Tyler Perry's "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" which was really good. If you plan on watching it probably shouldn't read this blog yet because I'm not sure if I'm gonna spoil it or not, so this is your chance to walk away haha.............................
For those of you who dont care, not gonna see it, or saw it already, howz you doinz? haha. So I liked this movie, it was really good, uplifting, positive. Anyone that knows me knows, I analyze just about everything. Tyler Perry always has beautiful, sexy, sultry extras in his movie. The chick to the bottom right at the very beginning of the movie, pshh she can get it. Mary J. Blige was looking good. Her dresses and here was on point, when she get all that junk in her trunk tho? Taraji was lookin beautiful as ever, am I the only one that noticed her "MANS" name in the movie was "RANDY" not saying that's a sign or anything, just letting you know in case you missed it. I was lol'n in the first church seen because this lady to the far left had a HEAD. I ha vent seen a forehead that big in a very very long time. In that same scene when the choir stands up pay attention to the ligh skinned singer to the left of the pastor. He was in church having naughty thoughts, you can see it in his face. If your someone that doesn't go to church on a regular and your going to see this movie this weekend, be prepared!! I was gettin preached too left and right. Church ladies in the audience knew EVERY bible script used in the movie like it was nada. I'm glad at the end of the movie everyone looked "descent" I realized Mary J. is a hood ass singer. But overall the movie was really good, taught the lesson of caring for yourself and everyone who cares for you, good for the family, kids, dates. Enjoy it.
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