0438 Christmas Day, I'm up watching Dr. Phil -___- hernz changes it to everything christmas related -________- its finally on sportscenter =0)... Momo doesn't see it but I do.... Ladies you need to match your foundation to your skin tone a bit better... I'm writing this beyond asleep listening to Night Today... played call of duty for who knowwwws how long... i'm in love with my birthday gifts/plans for myself haha... Virtually held someones hand today haha it was so steamy... Ms Amazin, you are exactly that =0*.... Wendys... My Mind has a date later today, yummz haha... Cant really say im hyped about holidays anymore no where close to sad either, there just another day to train #bootcampbrainwashing =0/... I'm so hungry right now, I haven't been eating alot this week, mainly because of lazyness, "To lazy for your own stomach" as my dad would say haha...
"Unless the 2 come together there will never be a chance of a "1", come together to resolve to dissolve to evolve...... Always 2 sides to a story, never just "1....".. yea I've been feeling quite poetic for a while now for some reason... PerDiem...Christmas mornings were always so official growing up, bake n saltfish, calypso, the hispanic chocolate you gotta grate before you boil in the red n yellow box with the grandma on it etc etc....
"Never blame a day in your life, Good days give happiness, Bad days give experience, Worst days gives u a lesson and the Best days gives you memories... #foodforthought"............................. so theres this position I always lay in, when I'm fighting sleep and it ALWAYS puts me to sleep haha thats what happened and I didn't finish this blog haha so now its Christmas Day 0855 and yaaaaay -_____-... I shouldve gotten more sleep, I'm going to be a scrooge because the lack of that and I dont even want to be haha ... ITS SO FLUFFAYYYY!! haha =0*... off to get on this PS3 chow.
G.G.M....always and forever =0)
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