September 12, 2010

Jibberish... The Question

1. I was suppose to be asleep about 4 hours ago
2. I gotta be awake in 5 hours to be awake for about 12 mandatory hours
3. I blame Sade's lovely voice for keeping me awake
4. Do you know anybody named Sade? I dont.
5. My E-Twin is gonna probably be upset when I email her later on, IM SORRY! haha
6. Little Bit (Remix)
7. He always smiles when he talks about her, and they have nothing (yet/maybe).... I use to be like that...
8. "No matter how bad people feel they should be together, doesnt mean they are meant to be..." -someone close to my heart =0)
9. I could never hate you, you know that right?
10. Another reason NOT to go home arose yesterday. smh
11. Let it be, dont force it, i'll be here when its all said and done and resolved and covia'n  =0)
12. Plus I wont reply...

Question: Dont really know where to start with it, I had it in my head perfectly and then I get on the computer and my heads a blurr.

  •  Umm.... Say you love somebody, more than you ever have or ever will love anybody, the feeling is just so right but were dealt bad cards, you do....?
  • With this person you love, you realize trying to be "just friends" is too painful to bare due to obvious actions of that occur in the single life, but you cant get mad, there single so you....?
  • What happens when you need 1000 yen but you dont have that 5000 in your account?
  • I'm no longer sleepy so I.....?
  • How do you get someone to synchronize watches and understand you want them to be free as you do the same, clear your mind and we can meet back here in a little while?

theres more..... but hopefully never to be continued....

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