Meanwhile, Paper's cover boy, 25-year-old rapper Kid Cudi, was seen "darting up
the stairs to confront a brunette." Our spy said Cudi screamed at her, "You
knew I'd be here and didn't tell me? Who the hell do you think you are? You
don't return my calls? [Bleep] you!" Then he stormed off. --NYPost
Interesting right? This shows Cudi does have an anger problem for any of you who remembers his "Reebok" altercation (was suppose to preform for Reebok, showed up in Nikes, didn't want to wear Reeboks for 1 song, spazzed on the director, had to be pepper sprayed, restrained blah blah blah) Hopefully I'm wrong but then again, I'm never wrong boohaha.
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