"Someone" I know just got into a major argument with there "mate" over a set of text messages. Text messages they probably never would have known about or would have affected there life if they never went through the phone in the first place which leads me to this blog. It never fails if your in a relationship that at some point your man/woman is going to grow through your phone. Even if you don't have sex messages or nudes of someone else, it will still start a controversy. Of course your mates gonna be greedy/selfish with your love but are you not suppose to converse with anyone else? What makes someone want to just go through someones phone? I've never went through any ones phone unless they went through mines but I don't/wouldn't want anyone going through my phone so I don't go through theirs. Of course if you find something like nudes, and flirtatious text your going to be highly upset but what if you didn't look through the phone in the first place? I think people are just looking for something to argue about sometimes because you've been to good to be true lately haha but that's just me. holla holla holla
What do you have to hide? I respect your right to privacy however if you're doing the right thing then there is no reason to keep your phone under tight security.