February 14, 2011

If Your Girl Onlye Knew by Dwayne S. Joseph ( @TeeCV )

Man oh MAN! This book is the truth and I don't even READ!! My Muse Muse left it when she walked out of my life (haha jp) and I needed something to do on duty so I figured why not. The first 2 pages alone let me know this was going to be an interesting book. Being the overthinker that I am, I was sure I would have the book figured out within a couple chapters but I was oh so wrong. Every chapter brought something unexpected or suspensful which just makes you want to read more. The way the book is setup you have to give props to the author for getting into each character in the book and putting you in there mind. Books with deep thoughts like this can only make you think of past relationships and how they relate to your life. I would say I felt like "Eric" the most. Jocelyn reminded me of a certain someone to the "T" (but Jocelyn's way badder haha). Poor Poor David smh #TeamNAS like a mudda fugga haha. Anywho this book is beyond bomb good til the last page and I recommend it if your a reader, Tiff Tiff trying to add me to the Sisters of the Traveling Pants club haha I think not, I like to keep my damn possessions.

"Although we may have had a special kind of love, it was never meant to be for us. We were each other's first love and what we shared will never be forgotten. But our lives were predestined to go separate ways. And no matter how intensely we loved, there was no escaping our destiny. I'm glad to have met you. I'm glad to have received your love. I will always cherish the memory of us. I will always cherish having been a part of each others lives. But now the time has come for us to take the paths that have always been there for us, follow yours carefully...." - David from the book I finished haha (too bomb)

This book was so good I told myself I'm going to try and read a book a month..... Then I came back to reality haha =0)

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