January 24, 2011

The Almighty #ClaimGame (LoL)

One of the funniest things a single person can run into is finding out there magically no longer single, in a relationship they didn't agree to be in, by someone other than the person claiming them or hearing someone bragging about a possesion they never possesed. Me and a friend of mines like to call this the almighty #ClaimGame which seems to be max popular these past couple of months and ongoing for some reason. Haven't quite figured out how you expect to claim somebody and expect them to not find out about the conspiracy going on with there name attached to it. Whats the point of it? I'm guessing it never crosses that person's mind how dumb there going to look when the truth comes to light. I guess this might be the reason why people boast there singularity to the world over and over day after day, it makes sense haha well for those that it applies too and not looking for attention. If I know I'm single, I know it, if you know it or not, isn't really important to you or your health so why put your self in unnecessary headaches/embarrassment. Just because you want someone so bad doesn't mean they want you at all, or even if they're showing interest in you, don't jump the gun. Some people get annoyed by it but it really makes me laugh when it happens to me, maybe because people automatically don't believe it or because of the story behind the claiming, either way, don't become a victim of the #ClaimGame .....

"Thats that #TeamBAS/NAS for you" - YOU! haha

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